Live Sound Switching Software
for the Fantom X

Under construction...

Here's a screenshot of the current version, released April 5, 2010. Scroll down for more info and download link.

I intend to keep this software free and will probably make it open source but if you use this program feel free to donate.

April 5, 2010: Haven't had much time to work on this but I have uploaded a new version:

Click here to download Fantom X Live Commander 0.7.5

New features in version 0.7.5:

Don't have time right now to describe what's new in more detail, will try to do that later. Please write to me at if you have any comments or suggestions.

December 24: Here's a little Christmas present: Click here to download Fantom X Live Commander 0.7.0

New features in 0.7.0:

All these features were added based on my own needs. If you have any suggestions or comments or if you just want to let me know what you think of it so far send me an email.

December 3: Fantom X Live Commander 0.5 released. Click here to download

Fantom X Live Commander allows you to easily switch sounds on the fly using a computer, for example a small notebook or netbook. I will be adding more notes on how to use it asap. For now here's a few things to keep in mind:

Don't have time for more right now but in the mean time check out this thread on the rolandclan forum for more info and some screenshots.

Have fun!